Hammer crusher SMD-97A

Цена: 300000 .-
Hammer crusher SMD-97A
  • Hammer crusher SMD-97A
Описание: Hammer crusher SMD-97A is designed for crushing low abrasive brittle and soft materials (coal, limestone, and others.) With humidity at which there is no smearing grates. The design of the crusher enables build it in three versions on the number of rows of rotor hammers. Selecting the assembly depends on the crushed material, the required size of fragmentation and performance. Reducing the number of rows of hammers entails an increase in size of the finished product.
Specifications description Volgotsemmash SMD-97A: Performance of - 600-800 m / hour Feed size - 600 mm Rotor speed - 600 rev / min The size of the output slots - 20 mm Rotor diameter - 2000 mm Rotor Length - 2000 mm Length - 4000 mm Width - 4200 mm Height - 3100 mm Power - 800 kW Operating weight - 52000 kg
Price: $ 300 000.00
Телефон: +79187637610
Дата публикации: 14 августа 2015
Местонахождение: Астрахань, Астраханская обл., Россия
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